Committed to the Circular Economy
VinylPlus has proven to be a frontrunner with regards to the Circular Economy by ensuring continuous progress towards clearly defined sustainability goals.
VinylPlus works to continuously increase PVC recycling so as to reinject high volumes of quality recycling PVC back into the economy.
In 2003, VinylPlus set up Recovinyl, an industry-wide recycling platform gathering recyclers and converters from all over Europe. Recovinyl is the main contributor to PVC recycling in Europe. Find out more here.
The EU Circular Economy Action Plan is one of the main building blocks of the European Green Deal and reaffirms the need to increase plastics recycling as part of the overall transition to a circular economy. The Circular Economy Package is an opportunity for European leaders to confirm and reinforce the many advantages of PVC recycling in areas ranging from employment to resource efficiency.

The European PVC industry, through VinylPlus, has been working to increase the sustainability performance of PVC throughout its entire lifecycle.
This is to help Europe move towards a competitive circular economy.
Find out just how VinylPlus is doing this in this short video!